What My Son Got in his Easter Basket! (20 months)

by Amy

I know I am tardy with this, would’ve been more helpful BEFORE Easter 😂 BUT I got so many link requests for items in Milo’s Easter basket that I thought I would just put together a round up post showing you everything that’s still available online! Plus things on the internet live forever, this will still be here next year if you need inspiration then! 

With Easter baskets, or any gift giving holiday really, I’m always confused… do I give him Easter themed toys/books ON Easter? Is that weird? Shouldn’t he have them a couple weeks before to play with before we put Easter stuff away?? Right now he’s so little he won’t know the difference, but when he’s older will he even care for holiday themed stuff once the holiday is over? THIS IS WHAT KEEPS ME UP AT NIGHT lol. But this year I decided to put a few Eastery themed goodies in there, as well as some non Easter themed things. Some just overall Spring related things, but other things he can play with year round. 

I’ve rounded up & linked mostly everything for you in this post! But a few things are not available online. Such as the $1 bunny bubble wand I got from the Target dollar spot. As well as the Pooh & Tigger dressed rubber ducks that I overpayed for on eBay (he has the Mickey & Donald ones and LOVES them, and now with his Pooh obsession I just had to get him those as well). We also didn’t do any candy in the basket yet. He of course had some Easter treats throughout the day, but peeps & jelly beans seem like pretty big choking hazards. I still wanted to include some of his favorite snacks/treats in there, so I threw in an organic apple sauce pouch from Costco and a strawberry “That’s It!” bar. And in true Milo style… he had to eat both treats before moving on to the rest of the basket lol. I was totally expecting that… same thing happened with his stocking. 

But here are the items that I can link!: 

1. Target Cat & Jack Purple Striped Romper

I obviously could not resist this very spring appropriate play romper!!! I actually searched high and low for this… my local Target had it but not in Milo’s size, I had it in my cart for a while and lollygagged on making the purchase and then it sold out, but after a lot of checking back in I finally saw it was back in stock AAAAAND I snagged it on sale! It was a glorious day. But we had a few Cat & Jack rompers last spring/summer and he wore them to death so I am excited to see him frolick and play in this purple number! 

2. Babies Love Easter Lift-A-Flap Board Book

If you’ve been around for any of my baby/toddler favorites or gift guides before, you know that we are huge fans of the “Babies Love” lift-a-flap books. This series is what really made Milo interested in books! We started with the Halloween one, then we got him the Christmas one, and as you can imagine… they have one for pretty much every holiday. They also have non-holiday themed ones and we have a few of those, such as Babies Love Colors & Babies Love Numbers! Those ones are his very favorites. EVERY TIME I am in TJ Maxx or Marshall’s I always look for any of the “babies love” books and I can usually find one! Especially in a specific season or holiday. I was able to score TWO Babies Love Easter books this year at TJ Maxx, one for Milo & one for my niece! But they’re pretty affordable on Amazon as well if you strike out whilst hunting for them. 

3. Infantino Grab & Go Easter Bag

Last year I got Milo a very similar “grab & go” bag from Infantino with baby Easter toys, and this year I scored this more toddler appropriate bag! It comes with two little Easter themed racers, a bunny and a chick in an egg or jellybean shaped race car! Also comes with a bunch of textured balls and building blocks as well. I divided up some of the balls and blocks and put them in my niece’s Easter basket as well, and they were a hit! I’ve linked the grab & go bag here (just click the photo), but I saw this in TJ Maxx several times over the last few months, so it may be worth your while to check there! 

4. Lovevery Toys

Milo’s very favorite toys are Lovevery toys, and we are lucky enough that they send us the play kits! It’s always a very exciting day, even for me, when the new Lovevery Play Kit arrives. However, I never give him all of the new toys at once. The kits are designed for specific ages, right down to the month. So for instance this latest kit was The Realist Play Kit, and it’s for ages 19, 20 & 21 months. Some of the toys may be a bit more advanced, so I always set those aside for when he reaches the later month mark. When I got this kit, I pulled aside the flashlight and the pitcher & glass set because I knew they would be perfect Easter basket fillers! I’ve done the same with birthdays and Christmases as well. But even if there isn’t a holiday coming up, I always set aside a few toys for a rainy/fussy day!

#gifted #loveverygift 

5. Winnie the Pooh Wobbly Stacking Toy Balance Blocks

I don’t think I’ve ever received so many link requests for an item in my life!! LOL but for good reason, this Winnie the Pooh stacking toy is SO cute. My son is in the middle of a Pooh obsession. He asks for Pooh all day, he can find him in any store we are and points and says “pooh” very happily. So I definitely wanted to include some Pooh items in his Easter basket this year! I searched all over Amazon and found this adorable stacking wobbler

Each character has 4 pieces, and the base is rounded so it’s wobbly as the baby tries to put the pieces on. And it’s weight sensitive, so they’ll learn to evenly distribute the weight as they get older. I LOVE toys that are fun to look at and play with now, but that will grow with them as the baby develops. 

I will say, this toy works best on a hard surface. We do most of our playtime on the rug downstairs but this works best on the hardwood floor or on his little table! Just something to keep in mind :0) 

6. My Easter Bunny Board Book

This photo doesn’t do it justice, but this book is SO cute IRL! The bunny cut out is super fun, but it’s also a very pretty shiny gold color. It looks very retro to me which is why it caught my eye. And the inside is super colorful & cute, I def wanted to add this to our Easter book collection! I ended up finding this at TJ Maxx, but I found it on Walmart for cheaper than I paid so that’s where I linked it! 

7. Pooh's Honey Trouble Board Book

I found this book on Target’s website in my hunt to include more Pooh items in Milo’s basket, and it turned out to be super cute! Plus we somehow didn’t have any Pooh books yet, so he was delighted to see his fav character in a book! This one has different textured patches on each page for him to feel. It even has a sticky honey page, and that is his favorite. It’s only sold online, so I linked it here! 

& that wraps up Milo’s Easter basket goodies! Thank you for scrolling through, and reading (if you did lol). I will try to be more timely with this next year and get it up a couple weeks in advance in case you need inspiration. But I love making these! I did not anticipate how much I would love picking out toys and curating stockings & Easter baskets, but it is one of my very favorite things about being a mom! 

I hope you guys had a Happy Easter & a great weekend! Love you so much 💕🐰🐣💐

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